
Psychology of colors

During the day, many factors around our environment have a great impact on our emotions and mental and emotional state. It brings a sense of comfort and pleasantness to us over time.

The effect of the colors around us becomes one of the factors of creating mental and spiritual peace.
In general, the psychological effects of colors are divided into two categories: warm colors and cold colors.


The psychology of colors


Including warm colors, red, yellow, orange, which creates emotions such as excitement and boldness, and causes double energy and a feeling of youth and vitality.

In contrast to green colors, blue-violet creates a feeling of calmness and equally sadness and unhappiness in humans. If we are looking for peaceful environments, light purple color causes relaxation and removes tension. It is better than in a part of the space. This bright color should be used at home or at work.
Blue color is better for rooms that have a lot of traffic and should be used for many hours.

The connection of colors with each other in the color cycle is a necessary thing. The three colors of blue, red, and yellow are the main colors. These colors are used with stones. In 1940, Max Luscher used colored stones for his patients to improve their stress and mental make-up.

Although colors generally convey a certain feeling, we must know that they have their own meaning for each culture. For example, in the Chinese culture, red is a symbol of good luck, but in the South African culture, it is the color of mourning.

So maybe they have the same feelings on humans, but they have different meanings in each culture.

Together with each other, the colors convey special meanings that in order to learn this concept of meanings, we must have a complete understanding of colors.

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